This post is about feeling tired and unmotivated at work.
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It can be tough to feel unmotivated and tired at work, especially when you have deadlines and meetings all day long. What can you do in this situation? What can you do to find your strength and regain your energy for the day ahead?
In this blog post, you will learn how you can be productive and meet your obligations and responsibilities even when you don’t feel like it.
Feeling Tired And Unmotived At Work
1. Take A Deep Breath and Pause
When we feel unmotivated and don’t feel like doing any work, stress can settle in. This is because we have emails coming in, the phone is ringing and people want to talk to us about deadlines. Work is something many of us have to do daily to survive, so what should we do when we just don’t feel like it?
By taking a breather and regaining your focus, you will get that little boost of energy to keep you going. Take regular breaks throughout the day and don’t continue to try and ush through wehn you are unomtovated. Pause, breathe and refocus.
2. Make A To-Do-List
When you feel unmotivated it’s hard to know where to start with your tasks. Which ones do you prioritise and what ones do you feel are most important? It is hard to even answer these questions when you feel stressed, down and depleted.
Take a look at your to-do list, and determine if it’s too long. If so, get rid of tasks that aren’t essential.
Very Well Mind
See if other tasks can be moved to a different day. Prioritize the most important things on the list, and move those to the top.
You might find a slight change in your to-do list—or the way you view your to-do list—will help you to see your tasks as more manageable. As a result, you might feel more motivated to get to work.
3. Talk To Someone For Support When You Feel Unmotivated
You may not want to feel like talking to anyone. However, when you feel down and depleted, talking to someone you trust could be the mood booster that you need.
I know that when I reach out to someone and express how I feel, just the act of getting my thoughts out of my mind and getting someone to listen, helps me feel better. It’s important to be cautious about who you share your thoughts with because not everyone has your best interests in mind. However, if you have at least one person you can confide in, you’ll experience a boost in energy and motivation that you need to continue with your day.
When sharing your feelings with someone:
- Choose a trusted confidant.
- Ensure they have your best interests at heart.
- Experience the positive energy and motivation that comes from expressing yourself.
4. Write Down Why You Do Your Job
Sometimes, when we’re not feeling motivated at work, it can really get us down. But taking a moment to write down why we do our job can make a big difference in how we feel.
It’s like a little pep talk to ourselves. It reminds us of what’s important and why we chose this job in the first place. This can help us feel better about our work and reduce stress. It’s like finding your way back to a sense of purpose, which can be good for your mental well-being and make your work feel more meaningful.
Here is a list of what you should consider writing down to reconnect with your sense of purpose at work:
- Your initial reasons for choosing this job or career path.
- Personal goals and aspirations related to your job.
- The positive impact your work has on others or your community.
- Past accomplishments and successes in your role.
- Skills and strengths you bring to your job.
- Any inspiring quotes or mantras that resonate with your work.
- Ways your work aligns with your values and beliefs.
- Future career milestones and what you hope to achieve.
- Any challenges you’ve overcome in your professional journey.
- Moments when you felt particularly proud or fulfilled in your role.
If you are looking for more ways to nurture your mental health read my blog post on how to nurture your well-being: Mental health tips for women 3-50.
Final Thoughts On Feeling Tired and Unmotivated at Work:
When you’re feeling low and unmotivated at work, remember these down-to-earth tips tailored for women. Take a moment to pause and catch your breath; it can work wonders. Simplify your to-do list, prioritise tasks, and make your workload feel more manageable.
Reach out to a trusted friend or colleague for a mood boost; sometimes, a friendly chat can make all the difference.
Lastly, write down why you chose your job – it’s like a little pep talk that can reconnect you with your sense of purpose and make your work more meaningful. If you’re looking for more tips on nurturing your mental health or want to explore other topics, I invite you to check out my other blog posts on my website.
You can also stay connected with me on social media for regular updates and inspiration. Your well-being matters, and I’m here to support you on your journey.
This post was about feeling tired and unmotivated at work.